الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Fan Coil Units F.C.U. Work Operation and Maintenance
Equipment: Fan Coil Units F.C.U.
Daily Routine Work
Check and Record
1. Check undue noise or vibration and any evidence of water leakage
2. Check condensate drain line for blockage
2W.Routine Work
1. Clean filters & F.C.U. external surface
2. Check waterside for air bubbles and purge if needed
3. Check motor current and multi-speed switch
Monthly Routine Work
1. Clean water strainer if applicable
2. Clean and flush condensate drain pan and flush drain pipe
3. Clean blower and inside casing
6M Routine work
1. Clean coils & check coil condition
2. Check the condition of bearing, replace if necessary
3. Inspect: Motors, starters, contactors, switches and over loads, replace if necessary
4. Check motor speed switches
5. Clean and check electric control panel
6. Check the paint for evidence of corrosion or peeling clean and retouch these areas
7. Check water circulation & automatic air vent operation
Note: The work should also include any other routines recommended by manufacturer
في أمان الله