الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
AIR HANDLING UNITS Work Operation and Maintenance
Daily Routine Work
1. Check & Record: Inlet and outlet temperature and pressure of chilled water
air temperature: re-circulation and flow, room thermostat setting, Motor: voltage and current
2. Check: Undue noise or vibration and any evidence of water or air leakage
3. Keep A.H.U. room clean and tidy
Weekly Routine Work
1. Check: Heating and/or cooling valve positions, operation of 3-way valves
operation of dampers and linkages, belts for proper tension and alignment. Adjust if necessary
2. Check operation of humidifiers, oil bath air filters if applicable
3. Motor bearing temperature by feeling with hands
4. Purge air from air vents / check operation of automatic air vents
5. Check air filter pressure drop
2W Routine work
1. Check condensate drain line for blockage “clean and flush condensate if necessary
2. Lubricate fan and motor bearings, flexible joints and damper linkage
and check for any presence of foreign matter in the lubricant
3. Check ductwork, flexible connections (canvas) inside the A/H Unit
room for signs of tears or deterioration
4. Check piping connections
Monthly Routine Work
1. Cleaning of: air filters, door glasses, AHU rooms & Chilled water strainers, condensate drain pan
2. Check filters for signs of degradation: replace if necessary
3. Clean the entire of the AHU
4. Check external surface of the coils, inspect coils for signs of leakage
5. Clean-out and replenish with oil oil bath air filters
6. Clean and flush condensate pan
7. Check A.H.U. coils elbows temperature by feeling with hand, if necessary, internal cleaning shall take place
6M Routine Work
1. External and internal cleaning for coils shall take place to eliminate dirt, lint or any other foreign matter
2. Check the drain pan and drain line to see that condensate is being properly drained
and there are no restrictions in the line
3. Check the motor and fan shaft bearings for evidence of wear, replace if necessary
4. Clean internal side of the AHU and repaint
5. Humidifiers to be cleaned and inspected and repairs carried out as necessary, if applicable
6. Clean-out all fans, fan casing & motors
7. Drain oil bath air filters, cleanout and repair, renew oil.
8. Check and inspect all electrical motors, starters … etc. repair or replace if necessary
9. Tighten: Pulleys set screws, blower wheel set screws, damper screws motor mounting
brackets bolts, anti vibration mountings, supports, repair or replace if necessary
10. Where possible, observe entire duct system for loose or missing insulation
openings or any leakage: repair or replace if necessary. Inspect diffusers and grilles
clean and repair and reinsulated as necessary
11. Check alignment of shafts, pulleys… etc
12. Check and repair all valves
13. Replace the belts if necessary.
14. Check operation of all controls “3-way valves, 2-way valves, dampers fire dampers …. etc
15. Check the Unit’s paint for evidence of corrosion or peeling. Clean and repaint the Units
Note: The work should also include any other routines recommended by manufacturer
في أمان الله