الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين HFC blend Refrigerant R424A known as RS-44b R22 Replacement HFC blend HFC blend Blend of HFCs R125 + R134a + HCs R600, R600a + R601a HFC 134a 47% HFC 125 50.5% iso-pentane 0.6% n-butane 1% Isobutane 0.9% Chemical names tetrafluoroethane pentafluoroethane iso-pentane n-butane Isobutane Lower GWP than most of R22 replacements ozone depletion potential safe Non toxic and non flammable safe R424A RS-44 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES RS-44 vs R22 Molecular weight 108.1 86.5 Boiling point (1 atm) C -38.7 -40.8 F -37.6 -41.4 Critical temperature C 88.8 96.1 F 191.8 204.8 Critical pressure bar 40.4 49.9 psi 586 724 Liquid density at 25 C kg/m3 1169 1191 Density of saturated vapour at 25 C kg/m3 43.6 44.2 Specific heat of liquid at 25oC kJ/kg C 1.43 1.26 Specific heat of vapour at 1 atm & 25 C kJ/kg C --- --- Vapour pressure at 25 C bar 9.67 10.4 psi 140.2 151 Latent heat of vaporisation at boiling point kJ/kg 196 234 Ozone Depletion Potential ODP 0 .055 Flammability limit in air (1 atm) vol% None None Inhalation exposure 8 hr day & 40 hr week ppm 1000 1000 في أمان الله