Privacy monitor hacked from an old LCD Monitor

Finally you can do something with that old LCD monitor you have in the garage. You can turn it into a privacy monitor! It looks all white to everybody except you, because you are wearing “magic” glasses! All you really have to have is a pair of old glasses, x-acto […]

What Linux noobs Need to Know

Linux is like that classic muscle car, in that if you are willing to put in the hours and don’t mind spending your weekends under the hood, you’ll have yourself a sweet ride at the end of the day and the knowledge you built and tweaked it with your own […]

Carrier IQ : Your phone’s secret recording device !!

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Carrier IQ is a piece of software installed on millions of mobile phones that logs everything their users do, from what websites they browse to what their text messages say. No, it’s not part of some great Orwellian plot; it’s a diagnostic tool that carriers say […]

WordPress WordAds

Introducing WordAds Over the years one of the most frequent requests on has been to allow bloggers to earn money from their blog through ads. We’ve resisted advertising so far because most of it we had seen wasn’t terribly tasteful, and it seemed like Google’s AdSense was the state-of-the-art, […]

MaryFi Supported Cards and Devices

الأجهزة الداعمة للتقنية يعمل البرنامج بشكل فعال جداً مع جميع بطاقات الشبكة المتوافقة المخصصة لنظام التشغيل Windows7. البرنامج متوافق مع الأجهزة التالية: Supported Cards and Devices Maryfi works with all Windows 7 certified cards (see below). These devices are known to be compatible: Atheros AR5xxx/AR9xxx cards, driver version Broadcom […]

Intel’s Ivy Bridge CPU lineup

Intel’s Ivy Bridge CPU lineup Intel has been busy as of late, with its new Sandy Bridge Extreme LGA-2011 platform launched two weeks ago, and the i7 Core 3960X taking the crown from the previous generation Core i7 980X as the fastest desktop processor available. The result was a foregone […]

Sandy Bridge-E

The 2nd generation Intel Core i7-3960X Processor Extreme Edition is super-smart, ultra-threaded, and absolutely uncompromising, making it the ultimate desktop processor for content creators and gamers. With Intel Hyper-Threading Technology delivering unmatched 12-thread performance across six cores, 4-channel integrated memory controller, and the largest cache size for super low latency […]

Help us to keep it FREE

MaryFi is 100% FREE and will still free Help us to keep it FREE Donations You can help us by donating via PayPal. Any donation, even 1$, is good for the development of Maryfi software. Those who have donated 100$ or more, will get a special status “sponsor”, and can use […]

جوائز البرنامج

حاز البرنامج على رضى و جوائز من مواقع تحميل و غيره عديدة منها :             .          

معلومات عن البرنامج

هو برنامج راوتر مجاني لأجهزة الكمبيوتر العاملة بنظام ويندوز 7 فقط. يمكـّن المستخدم من مشاركة إتصاله بالإنترنت و توزيعه لاسلكيا للآخرين سواءً كان إتصاله بالإنترنت عن طريق: مودم عادي ، خط هاتف خلوي ، بل حتى شبكة واي فاي أخرى. أي جهاز فيه واي فاي بما في ذلك أجهزة الكمبيوتر […]

What is Maryfi?

Maryfi is a free and easy to use software router for Windows 7 computers. With Maryfi, users can wirelessly share any Internet connection: a cable modem, a cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi enabled devices including laptops, smart phones, music players, and gaming systems can see and […]